QVWM Window Manager is the best as it is very similar in appearance to Microsoft Windows. If you want to use Vi and Vim remotely from a MS Windows PC client, then you should use VNC + QVWM manager. Servers are generally located in remote Data Centers and to edit the files, you should first login to remote servers from MS Windows or Linux desktop PCs. After starting VNC server and QVWM manager on remote server, you should fire up vncviewer on your client desktop and edit remote files with gvim .
To use graphical editor like gvim for remote operations, use the following techniques below:
You can use the VNC to display remote machines on your local display.
The VNC is at "http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc" and commercial VNC is at "http://www.realvnc.com"
Get VNC rpms from rpmfind or from commercial VNC at "http://www.realvnc.com"
The best Window manager for VNC is QVWM which is like MS Windows 98/NT/2000 interface, get it from "http://www.qvwm.org" .
After starting vncserver, you can start the vncviewer program on clients like MS Windows, Mac or Linux.
See also the List of X11 Windows Managers .
Compiling qvwm on Solaris : On Solaris you should install the following packages which you can get from "http://sun.freeware.com" - xpm, imlib, jpeg, libungif, giflib (giftran), libpng, tiff. And you can download the binary package for solaris from "http://www.qvwm.org" .
Or you can download the qvwm source for solaris from "http://www.qvwm.org" and compile it using gcc. If mainsite is busy use the mirror sites listed there. Click on the link "The latest version of qvwm is [ftp/http]" to download the source code.
Troubleshooting the compile:
You must install all the packages listed - xpm, imlib, jpeg, libungif, giflib, libpng, tiff. Otherwise src will not compile
Must edit the src/util.cc file and change snprintf to printf to compile the program to get rid of the compile errors.
You should put unsigned long before arg in usleep() usleep((unsigned long) 10000)
Still problems then see "http://www.milkywaygalaxy.freeservers.com/vnc" for compile instructions.
For transferring files from Unix to MS Windows use the ftp clients like
Commercial :
The ftp voyager "http://cws.internet.com/ftp-ftpvoyag.html"
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