A mSQL and perl Web Server Mini HOWTO

Oliver Corff, corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de

v0.1, 17 September 1997
This Mini HOWTO, highly inspired by Michael Schilli's article Gebunkert:
Datenbankbedienung mit Perl und CGI, published in the german computer magazine
iX 8/1997, describes how to build a SQL client/server database using WWW and
HTML for the user interface.

1. About this Document

1.1 Intended Audience

Everybody who wants to install a web server database but does not know which
software is necessary and how it is installed should benefit from reading this
text. This text provides all information necessary to get a SQL database for a
web server going; it does not go into any detail of CGI programming, nor does
it explain the SQL database language. Excellent books are available on both
topics, and it is the intention of this text to provide a working platform
based on which a user can then study CGI programming and SQL.
For getting a small scale SQL system running (not the notorious example of a
major airline booking system, or space mission management database) it will be
sufficient to have the software described in this text and the documentation
accompanying it. The user manual of msql (a database introduced in this text)
provides sufficient information on SQL for building your own database.
The reader of this text should have a working knowledge of how to obtain files
via ftp if he has no access to CD-ROMs, and a basic understanding of how to
build binaries from sources. Anyway, all steps explained in this text were
tested on a real life system and should also work on the reader's system.

1.2 Conventions used in this text

A user command:

  # make install

Screen output from a program:

       Program installed. Read README for details on how to start.

Sample code of a file:

  # My comment
  char letter;


2. Introduction

It can be safely assumed that databases with a high volume of data or a
complicated relational setup (like, perhaps, a lexical database for a living
language) must be accessible to many users and operators at the same time.
Ideally, it should be possible to use existing different hardware and software
platforms that can be combined into the actual system. In order to reduce the
implementation cost, only one system, the database server, needs to be
powerful; the user stations typically just display data and accept user
commands, but the processing is done on one machine only which led to the name
client-server database. In addition, the user interface should be easy to
maintain and should require as little as possible on the client side.
A system which meets these criteria can be built around the following items of
protocols, concepts and software:

      supplies the operating system. It is a stable Unix implementation
      providing true multi-user multi-tasking services with full network (TCP/
      IP e. a.) support. Except from the actual media and transmission cost, it
      is available free of charge and comes in form of so-called distributions
      which usually include everything needed from the basic OS to text
      processing, scripting, software development, interface builders, etc.

      is the Hypertext Markup Language used to build interfaces to network
      systems like Intranets and the WWW, the World Wide Web. HTML is very
      simple and can be produced with any ASCII-capable text editor.

      are text-based (e. g. Lynx) or graphical (e. g. Mosaic, Netscape, Arena
      etc.) applications accepting, evaluating and displaying HTML documents.
      They are the only piece of software which is directly operated by the
      database user. Using browsers, it is possible to display various types of
      data (text, possibly images) and communicate with http servers (see next)
      on about every popular computer model for which a browser has been made

  http servers
      provide access to the area of a host computer where data intended for
      public use in a network are stored. They understand the http protocol and
      procure the information the user requests.

      Structured Query Language is a language for manipulating data in
      relational databases. It has a very simple grammar and is a standard with
      wide industry support. SQL-based databases have become the core of the
      classical client/server database concept. There are many famous SQL
      systems available, like Oracle, Informix etc., and then there is also
      msql which comes with a very low or even zero price tag if it is used in
      academical and educational environments.

      Common Gateway Interface is the programming interface between the system
      holding the data (in our case an SQL-based system) and the network
      protocol (HTML, of course). CGIs can be built around many programming
      languages, but a particularly popular language is perl.

      is an extremely powerful scripting language which combines all merits of
      C, various shell languages, and stream manipulation languages like awk
      and sed. Perl has a lot of modularized interfaces and can be used to
      control SQL databases, for example.

3. Installation Procedure

3.1 Hardware Requirements

No general statement can be made about the hardware requirements of a database
server. Too much depends on the expected number of users, the kind of
application, the network load etc. In a small environment with only a few users
and little network traffic a i486-equivalent machine with 16 MB of RAM can be
completely sufficient. Linux, the operating system, is very efficient in terms
of resources, and can supply enough horse-power for running a broad variety of
applications at the same time. Of course, faster processors and more RAM mean
more speed, but much more important than the processor is the amount of RAM.
The more RAM the system has the less it is forced to swap memory intensive
processes to disk in case a bottleneck occurs.
Given anything like 32 MB RAM and a PCI bus, searches and sorting operations
can be done without much resorting to swap files etc., resulting in lightening
fast speed.
The model installation described in this article was made on a IBM 686 (133Mhz)
with 32 MB RAM and a 1.2 GB IDE hard disk. Assuming that the installation
process starts from scratch, here is a list of the necessary steps.

3.2 Software Requirements

The software described in this article is available from the Internet or from
CD-ROM. The following products were used:

* Red Hat Linux PowerTools: 6 CD's Complete Easy-to-Use Red Hat 4.2, Summer
  '97; alternatively from http://www.redhat.com;
* msql SQL database server: it is now available in two versions. The versions
  have differences in the number of transactions they can handle, the
  administration interface, etc. The elder version, 1.0.16, is available from
  Sunsite mirrors. The ELF executable can be found at sunsite:apps/database/
  sql/msql-1.0.16 or on CD-ROM (here: disc 4 of InfoMagic Linux Developer's
  Resource, 6-CD set, December 1996) or alternatively from the following URL:
  http://www.infomagic.com. The newer version, 2.0.1, can be directly obtained
  from Hughes' homepage in Australia (http://www.hughes.com.au) or from
  numerous mirror sites around the world;
* perl from CPAN: The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. Walnut Creek CDROM,
  ISBN 1-57176-077-6, May 1997;
* Michael Schilli's CGI example program from computer journal iX 8/1997, pages
  150--152, available via ftp from ftp.uni-paderborn.de:/doc/magazin/iX;

3.3 Installing the Operating System

Linux is installed in form of the Red Hat Linux Distribution 4.2. In order to
install successfully, the machine must either have a DOS-accessible CD-ROM
drive, a bootable CD-ROM drive, or else a boot disk must be made following the
instructions on the Linux CD.
During installation the user has the choice to select and configure numerous
software packages. It is convenient to select the following items now:

* TCP/IP network support,
* the http server Apache, and
* the scripting language perl, and
* the X Window System, as well as
* the browsers Arena (graphical) and Lynx (text-based).

All these packages are provided with the Linux distribution. If you do not
install these packages now you still have the chance to do this later with the
assistance of glint, the graphical and intuitive software package installation
manager. Be sure to be root when installing these packages.
It is beyond the scope of this article to describe the network installation and
initialization procedure. Please consult the online (manpages, HTML, texinfo)
and printed (Linux Bible, etc. etc.) documentation.
The installation procedure of Red Hat is very mature and requires only little
user attention besides the usual choices (like providing host names, etc.).
Once the installation ends successfully, the system is basically ready to go.
Installing the X Window System is not mandatory for a pure server but it makes
local access and testing much easier. The X installation procedure is done by
any of several programs; XF86Setup offers the most extensive self-testing
facilities and needs the least handling of hairy details (like video clock
programming, etc.). The only requirement is that the software can detect the
video adapter. A cheap accelerated graphics adapter (like Trio S64 based cards
prior to S64UV+) usually works ``out of the box''.
At this point we assume that our system is up and running and that Apache, Perl
and the X Window System have been successfully installed. We further assume
that all standard structures like the file and directory structure are kept as
they are defined in the installation. Last but not least we leave the host name
as it is, and do at this moment accept the name localhost. We'll use this name
for testing the installation; once the whole system works the true name can be
added. Please note that the network setup also requires editing the files /etc/
hosts, among others. Ideally this should be done with the administration tools
provided to user root.

3.4 The http Server

The http server supplied with Linux is known as Apache to humans and as httpd
to the system. The manpage (man httpd) explains how to install and start the
http daemon (hence httpd) but, as mentioned, if the installation went without
problems then the server should be running. You can verify the directory tree:
there must be a directory /home/httpd/ with three subdirectories: ../cgi-bin/,
../html/ and ../icons/. In ../html/ there must be a file index.html. Later we
will manipulate or replace this file by our own index.html. All configuration
information is stored in/etc/httpd/conf/. The system is well preconfigured and
does not need further setup provided the installation went without error.

3.5 The Browsers

There are essentially three types of browsers available for Linux: pure text-
based systems like Lynx, experimental and simple ones like Arena (free!) and
commercial ones like Netscape (shareware!) with Java support. While Lynx and
Arena come with Linux, Netscape must be procured from other sources. Netscape
is available as a precombiled binary for Linux on ix86 architectures and will
run ``out of the box'' as soon as the archive is unpacked.

Configuring Lynx

Once Lynx is started it will look for a `default URL' which is usually not very
meaningful if the system does not have permanent Internet access. In order to
change the default URL (and lots of other configuration details) the system
administrator should edit /usr/lib/lynx.cfg. The file is big, around 57000
bytes and contains occasionally contradicting information. It states its own
home as /usr/local/lib/. Not far from top is a line beginning with STARTFILE.
We replace this line by the following entry: STARTFILE:http://localhost and
make sure that no spacing etc. is inserted:

  # STARTFILE:http://www.nyu.edu/pages/wsn/subir/lynx.html

After saving the file, Lynx should now reveal our index.html document if
started without arguments.

Configuring Arena

Arena first looks for its own default URL when started without arguments. This
URL is hard-wired into the executable but can be overrun by the environment
variable WWW_HOME. The system administrator can place a line saying
WWW_HOME="http://localhost" in /etc/profile. The variable must then be
exported, either by a separate statement (export WWW_HOME) or by appending
WWW_HOME to the existing export statement:

  export WWW_HOME

After relaunching a login shell, the new default URL is now system-wide known
to Arena.

Installing and Configuring Netscape

Netscape is a commercial product and thus not included with the Linux
distributions. It is either downloadable from the Internet or available from
software collections on CDROM. Netscape comes in form of precompiled binaries
for every important hardware platform. For installation purposes, it is useful
to create a directory /usr/local/Netscape/ where the archive is unpacked. The
files can be kept in place (except for the Java library: follow the
instructions in the README file that comes with the Netscape binary), and it is
sufficient to create a soft link in /usr/local/bin/ by issuing the command

  # ln -s /usr/local/Netscape/netscape .

from within /usr/local/bin/.
Netscape is now ready for use and can be configured via the ``Options'' menu.
In ``General Preferences'' there is a card ``Appearance'' with the entry ``Home
Page Location''. Enter http://localhost here and do not forget to save the
options (via ``Options'' --- ``Save Options'') before exiting Netscape. At the
next startup, Netscape will now show the Apache `homepage'.

3.6 Cooperation of Apache and Browsers

You can now conduct the first real test of both the browser and the http
server: simply start any of the available browsers and the Apache: Red Hat
Linux Web Server page will pop up. This page shows the file locations and other
basics of http server installation. If this page is not displayed please check
whether the files mentioned above are in place and whether the browser
configuration is correct. Close edited configuration files before you start the
browser again. If all files are in place and the browsers seem to be configured
correctly then examine the network setup of your machine. Either the host name
is different from what was entered in the configuration, or the network setup
as such is not correct. It is utterly important that /etc/hosts contains at
least a line like
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------               localhost localhost.localdomain

which implies that you can connect locally to your machine. One can verify this
by issuing any network-sensitive command requiring a host name as argument,
like telnet localhost (provided telnet is installed). If that does not work
then the network setup must be verified before continuing with the main task.

3.7 The Database Engine and its Installation

Installing the database requires only little more preparation than the previous
installation steps. There are a few SQL database engines available with
different runtime and administrative requirements, and possibly one of the most
straightforward systems is msql, or ``Mini-SQL'' by David Hughes. msql is
shareware. Depending on the version used, commercial sites are charged USD
250.00 and more, private users are charged USD 65.00 and more, and only
educational institutions and registered non-profit organizations can use this
software free of charge. Please note that the exact figures are provided in the
licence notes of the database documentation. The figures given here serve as a
rough indicator only.
A few words are in place here why the author chose msql. First of all, there is
personal experience. While searching for a database engine the author found
msql to be about the easiest to install and maintain, and it provides enough
coverage of the SQL language to meet general needs. Only when writing these
lines, the author discovered the following words of praise in Alligator
Descartes' DBI FAQ (perl database interface FAQ):

     From the current author's point of view, if the dataset is relatively
     small, being tables of less than 1 million rows, and less than 1000
     tables in a given database, then mSQL is a perfectly acceptable
     solution to your problem. This database is extremely cheap, is
     wonderfully robust and has excellent support. [...]

Msql is available in two versions now, msql-1.0.16 and msql-2.0.1, which differ
in performance (not noticeable in small scale projects) and accompanying
software (the newer version comes with more tools, its own scripting language,
etc.). We will describe both versions of msql since their installion differs in
a few points.

Installing msql-1.0.16

msql is available as source and as compiled executable with ELF support. Using
the ELF binaries makes installation easy since the archive file msql-
1.0.16.ELF.tgz contains a complete absolute directory tree so that all
directories are generated properly when unpacked from /.
If you decide to compile msql-1.0.16 yourself and are going to use the MsqlPerl
package rather than the DBI interface (see a detailed discussion on the
difference between these two further down) then be prepared that MsqlPerl might
complain during the test suites that some instruction inside msql failed. In
this case a patch may be necessary which is described in the MsqlPerl
documentation (file patch.lost.tables). Notably, this demands including three
lines in msqldb.c after line 1400 which says entry->def = NULL;:

          *(entry->DB) = 0;
          *(entry->table) = 0;
          entry->age = 0;

The code fragment should now look like

          entry->def = NULL;
          *(entry->DB) = 0;
          *(entry->table) = 0;
          entry->age = 0;

Compiling msql involves several steps. After unpacking the source archive, it
is necessary to build a target directory. This is done by saying

  # make target

If successful, the system will then answer with

       Build of target directory for Linux-2.0.30-i486 complete

You must now change into this newly created directory and run a

  # ./setup

command first. The ./ sequence is necessary to make sure that really the
command setup in this directory and not another command which happens to have
the same name is executed. You will then be asked questions on the location of
the source directory and whether a root installation is desired. These
questions answered, the system should then run a number of tests checking for
available software (compilers, utilities etc.) and finally say

       Ready to build mSQL.

       You may wish to check "common/site.h" although the defaults should
       fine.  When you're ready, type  "make all" to build the software

We say

  # make all

If everything went as intended, we'll read:

       make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/Minerva/src/msql'
       <-- [msql] done

       Make of mSQL complete.
       You should now mSQL using make install

       NOTE : mSQL cannot be used free of charge at commercial sites.
              Please read the doc/License file to see what you have to do.

       make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/Minerva/src'

All binaries must then be made visible to the search paths by creating soft
links in /usr/local/bin/. Change to that directory and issue the command

  # ln -s /usr/local/Minerva/bin/* .

after which the links will be properly set.

Testing msql-1

After the installation it is now possible to test whether the database works.
Before anything else is done, the server daemon must be started. The system
administrator holding root privileges issues the command

  # msqld &amp;

(do not forget to add the &amp;, otherwise msql won't run in the background.)
after which the following screen message appears:

       mSQL Server 1.0.16 starting ...

       Warning : Couldn't open ACL file: No such file or directory
       Without an ACL file global access is Read/Write

This message tells us that everything so far worked since we did not set up any
access restrictions. For the moment it is sufficient to start the msql daemon
from within a shell but later we may want to have the system startup
automatically execute this command for us. The command must then be mentioned
in a suitable rc.d script. Only now the administrator can issue the first
genuine database command:

  # msqladmin create inventur

msql replies by saying Database "inventur" created.. As a further proof, we
find that the directory /usr/local/Minerva/msqldb/ contains now the empty
subdirectory ../inventur/. We could manipulate the newly created database with
the administration tools; these procedures are all covered in detail in the
msql documentation.

Installing msql-2.0.1

There is now a newer, more powerful version of Hughes' mSQL server available
the installation of which is different in a few points. Installing msql-2 from
scratch involves the following steps. Copy the archive to your extraction
point, e. g.  /usr/local/msql-2/, then untar the archive:

  # tar xfvz msql-2.0.1.tar.gz

Change to the root direction of the install tree and issue a

  # make target

Change to targets and look for your machine type. There should be a new
subdirectory Linux-(your version)-(your cpu)/. Change to that directory and
start the setup facility located here:

  # ./setup

There is also a file site.mm which can be edited. Maybe you have got used to
the directory name /usr/local/Minerva/ and want to preserve it? In this case
change the INST_DIR=... line to your desired target directory. Otherwise, leave
everything as it is.
Now you can start building the database:

  # make
  # make install

If everything went successfully, we'll see a message like:


       Installation of mSQL-2 complete.

       **   This is the commercial, production release of mSQL-2.0
       **   Please see the README file in the top directory of the
       **   distribution for license information.

After all is installed properly we have to take care of the administration
details. Here, the real differences from msql-1 begin. First, a user msql is
created which is responsible for database administration.

  # adduser msql

Then we have to change all ownerships in the mSQL directory to msql by saying:

  # cd /usr/local/Minerva
  # chown -R msql:msql *

Then we create soft links for all database binaries in /usr/local/bin/ by

  # ln -s /usr/local/Minerva/bin/* .

Testing msql-2

We can now start the database server by issuing the command msql2d &amp; and
should get a response similar to this one:

       Mini SQL Version 2.0.1
       Copyright (c) 1993-4 David J. Hughes
       Copyright (c) 1995-7 Hughes Technologies Pty. Ltd.
       All rights reserved.

               Loading configuration from '/usr/local/Minerva/msql.conf'.
               Server process reconfigured to accept 214 connections.
               Server running as user 'msql'.
               Server mode is Read/Write.

       Warning : No ACL file.  Using global read/write access.

That looks perfect. The database is compiled and in place, and we can now
continue with the perl modules since these rely partially on the presence of a
working database server for testing.
Accidentally, this is also a good moment to print the complete manual that
comes with msql-2.0.1:

  # gzip -d manual.ps.gz
  # lpr manual.ps

We can proceed to building the interfaces now, but it is a good idea to keep
the newly created SQL server up and running since that makes testing the
interface libraries somewhat simpler.

3.8 Choice of Interfaces: DBI/mSQL, MsqlPerl, and Lite

A frequently quoted saying in the Camel Book (the authorative perl
documentation) states that there is more than one way to achieve a result when
using perl. This, alas, holds true for our model application, too. Basically
there are three ways to access an msql database via CGI. First of all the
question is whether or not perl shall be used. If we use perl (on which this
article focuses) then we still have the choice between two completely different
interface models. Besides using perl, we can also employ msql's own scripting
language, called Lite, which is reasonably simple and a close clone of C.


By the time of this writing, using perl's generic database interface called DBI
is the method of choice. DBI has a few advantages: It provides unified access
control to a number of commercial databases with a single command set. The
actual database in use on a given system is then contacted through a driver
which effectively hides the pecularities of that database from the programmer.
Being such, using DBI provides for a smooth transition between different
databases by different makers. In one single script it is even possible to
contact several different databases. Please refer to the DBI-FAQ for details.
There is, however, one drawback: The DBI interface is still under development
and shows rapidly galloping version numbers (sometimes with updates taking
place within less than a month). Similarly, the individual database drivers are
also frequently updated and may rely on specific versions of the database
interface. Users making first-time installations should stick to the version
numbers given in this article since other versions may cause compilation and
testing problems the trouble shooting of which is nothing for the faint-


MsqlPerl is a library for directly accessing msql from perl scripts. It
bypasses the DBI interface and is fairly compact. Though it works fine with
both versions of msql, its usage is not promoted anymore in favour of the
generalized DBI interface. Nonetheless, in a given installation it may prove to
be the interface of choice since it is small and easy to install. Notably, it
has less version dependencies than revealed by the interaction of DBI and
particular database drivers.

msql's own scripting language: Lite

Last but not least msql-2 comes with its own scripting language: Lite. The
language is a close relative of C stripped of its oddities with additional
shell-like features (in a way, something like a very specialized version of
perl). Lite is a simple language and is well documented in the msql-2 manual.
The msql-2 package also comes with a sample application sporting Lite.
We will not describe Lite here because it is well documented but fairly
specific to msql-2, and because it is assumed that the readers of this article
have a basic interest in and a basic understanding of perl. Nonetheless it is
highly recommended to have a closer look at Lite: it may well be the case that
Lite offers the solution of choice in an exclusive msql-2 environment (implying
no other databases are involved) due to its simplicity and straightforward

3.9 Going the generic way: DBI and DBD-msql

We assume that perl was installed during the system setup or via the package
manager mentioned above. No further details will be given here. Nonetheless we
first test whether our version of perl is up to date:

  # perl -v

perl should respond with the following message:

       This is perl, version 5.003 with EMBED
               Locally applied patches:
                 SUIDBUF - Buffer overflow fixes for suidperl security

               built under linux at Apr 22 1997 10:04:46
               + two suidperl security patches

       Copyright 1987-1996, Larry Wall

So far, everything is fine. The next step includes installing the perl
libraries for databases in general (DBI), the msql driver (DBD-mSQL) and CGI.
The CGI driver is necessary in any case. The following archives are necessary:

  1. DBI-0.81.tar.gz
  2. DBD-mSQL-0.65.tar.gz
  3. CGI.pm-2.31.tar.gz (or higher)

A caveat is necessary here for beginners: the test installation described here
works fine using software with exactly these version numbers, and combinations
of other versions failed in one or the other way. Debugging flawed version
combinations is nothing for those who are not very familiar with the intimate
details of the calling conventions etc. of the interfaces. Sometimes only a
method is renamed while performing the same task, but sometimes the internal
structure changes significantly. So, again, stick with these version numbers if
you want to be on the safe side even if you discover that version numbers have
increased in the meantime. Frequent updates of these interfaces are the rule
rather than the exception, so you should really anticipate problems when
installing other versions than those indicated here.
It is very important that the database driver for mSQL (DBD-mSQL) is installed
after the generic interface DBI.
We start by creating the directory /usr/local/PerlModules/ as it is very
important to keep the original perl directory tree untouched. We could also
choose a different directory name since the name is completely uncritical, and
unfortunately that is not really mentioned in the README files of the verious
perl modules. Having copied the above-mentioned archives to /usr/local/
PerlModules/ we unpack them saying

  # tar xzvf [archive-file]

for every single of the three archives. Do not forget to supply the real
archive name to tar. The installation process for the three modules is
essentially stardardized; only the screen messages showing important steps of
individual packages are reproduced here.

Installing perl's Database Interface DBI

The database interface must always be installed before installing the specific
database driver. Unpacking the DBI archive creates the directory /usr/local/
PerlModules/DBI-0.81/. Change to that directory. There are a README file (you
should read it) and a perl-specific makefile. Now issue the command

  # perl Makefile.PL

The system should answer with a lengthy message of which the most important
part is shown here::

       MakeMaker (v5.34)
       Checking if your kit is complete...
       Looks good
               NAME => q[DBI]
               PREREQ_PM => {  }
               VERSION_FROM => q[DBI.pm]
               clean => { FILES=>q[$(DISTVNAME)/] }
               dist => { DIST_DEFAULT=>q[clean distcheck disttest [...]
       Using PERL=/usr/bin/perl

       WARNING! By default new modules are installed into your 'site_lib'
       directories. Since site_lib directories come after the normal
       directories you MUST delete old DBI files and directories from your
       'privlib' and 'archlib' directories and their auto subdirectories.

       Writing Makefile for DBI

This looks good, as the program says, and we can proceed with the next step:

  # make

If no error message occurs (the detailed protocol dumped on screen is not an
error message) we test the newly installed library with the command

  # make test

Watch the output for the following lines (you can always scroll back with

       All tests successful.
       DBI test application $Revision$
       Switch: DBI-0.81 Switch by Tim Bunce, 0.81
       Available Drivers: ExampleP, NullP, Sponge
       ExampleP: testing 2 sets of 5 connections:
       Connecting... 1 2 3 4 5
       Connecting... 1 2 3 4 5
       Made 10 connections in  0 secs ( 0.00 usr  0.00 sys =  0.00 cpu)

       test.pl done

The final step is to install all files in their proper directories. The
following command will take care of it:

  # make install

No more duties are left. If for some reason the installation failed and you
want to redo it do not forget to issue

  # make realclean

first. This will remove stale leftovers of the previous installation. You can
also remove the files which were installed by copying the screen contents
(shown abbreviated)

       Installing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux/./auto/DBI/DBIXS.h
       Installing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux/./auto/DBI/DBI.so
       Installing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux/./auto/DBI/DBI.bs
       Writing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/DBI/.packlist
       Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.003/

into a file, replacing every Installing with rm. Provided you named the file
uninstall you can then say

  # . uninstall

which will remove the recently installed files.

perl's msql Driver DBD-mSQL

The msql driver can only be installed after a successful installation of perl's
generic database interface.
The basic steps are the same as above; so first go through

  # perl Makefile.PL

Here, the system should answer with an urgent warning to read the accompanying
documentation. It will then detect where msql resides, and asks which version
you use:

       $MSQL_HOME not defined. Searching for mSQL...
       Using mSQL in /usr/local/Hughes

        -> Which version of mSQL are you using [1/2]?

State your correct version number. Quite a few lines of text will follow. Watch
for the following ones:

       Splendid! Your mSQL daemon is running. We can auto-detect your

       I've auto-detected your configuration to be running on port: 1114

You can now test the driver by saying

  # make test

Again, a lengthy output follows. If it ends with

       Testing: $cursor->func( '_ListSelectedFields' ). This will fail.
               ok: not a SELECT in msqlListSelectedFields!
       Re-testing: $dbh->do( 'DROP TABLE testaa' )
       *** Testing of DBD::mSQL complete! You appear to be normal! ***

you are on the safe side of life and can install your driver by saying

  # make install

You are now ready to go and can skip the next paragraph.

3.10 The MsqlPerl Interface

If you decide to use the exclusive MsqlPerl interface then no generic database
driver is needed, only MsqlPerl-1.15.tar.gz, since, as mentioned earlier,
MsqlPerl provides a direct interface between perl and the database server
without using the DBI interface. Installing and testing is straightforward.
After saying perl Makefile.PL the make utility can be started. First you have
to answer the question where mSQL resides. If it resides in /usr/local/Minerva/
the default answer can be confirmed.
Then do a make test. Before doing so you must ensure that you have a database
named test and that you have read and write permissions for it. This can be
done by

  # msqladmin create test

3.11 perl's CGI library

Installing perl's CGI part is the simpliest of the three steps. Execute the
following commands in the given order and everything is done:

  # perl Makefile.PL
  # make
  # make install

Unlike the previous drivers this interface does not have a test option (# make
test) whereas the other modules should be tested in any case.
A subdirectory with CGI example scripts is also created. You can copy the
contents of this directory into /home/http/cgi-bin/ and use the browser to
experiment with the scripts.

3.12 Installation Checklist

We went through the following steps, in this order:

  1. Install Linux with networking support
  2. Install a http server, e. g. Apache
  3. Install a browser, e. g. Arena, lynx or Netscape
  4. Install an SQL server, e. g. msql
  5. Install a suitable perl SQL interface
  6. Install the CGI files

Finally, you can do some clean-up. All source trees for msql and the perl
modules can be safely deleted (however, you should not delete your archive
files!) since the binaries and documentation are now based in different

4. Running an Example Database

After completing the system installation we can now finally run a model
application. Depending on the version of msql installed and the perl database
interface used, we have to modify the sample programs in a few points.
First however, the file index.html residing in /home/httpd/html/ must be
modified to allow calling a sample database application. We can place our
database (which we call database.cgi or inventur.cgi here despite its archive
name perl.lst.ck) in /home/httpd/html/test/.
We add one line (of course, depending on your installation choices) similar to
the following to index.html:

  <LI>Test the <A HREF="test/database.cgi">Database, DBI:DBD-mSQL style!</A>
  <LI>Test the <A HREF="test/inventur.cgi">Database, MsqlPerl style!</A>

Usually you should only pick one of these two choices but if you have both
types of database interface installed you can leave both lines here as they
are. You can then compare performance, etc.

4.1 Adapting the sample script for MsqlPerl

Our sample script has to be told to use the MsqlPerl interface. The
modification takes place in several locations. First, near the beginning of the
file, we change the use clause:

  # use DBI;            # Generisches Datenbank-Interface
  use Msql;

Then, near line 27, the MsqlPerl syntax does not require the mentioning of a
specific driver:

  # $dbh = DBI->connect($host, $database, '', $driver) ||
  $dbh = Msql->connect($host, $database) ||

Then, from line 33 onward throughout the whole script, we have to change all
instances of do against query:

  # $dbh->do("SELECT * FROM hw") || db_init($dbh);
  $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM hw") || db_init($dbh);

Finally, in MsqlPerl speak, line 207 can be commented out:

  # $sth->execute || msg("SQL Error:", $sth->errstr);

In addition, it may become necessary to swap all errstr calls like the one in
the preceding code fragment against errmsg. This is also version dependent.
After these modifications, the script should run smoothly.

4.2 Adapting the sample script for msql-2

The SQL syntax was redefined during the development of mslq-2. The original
script will fail to execute the table initialization statements in lines 45 -
- 58. The primary key modifier is no longer supported by msql-2, and should
simply be skipped:

      $dbh->do(<<EOT) || die $dbh->errstr; # Neue Personen-Tabelle
          create table person (
  # We do not need the 'primary key' modifier anymore in msql-2!
  #           pn        int primary key,   # Personalnummer
              pn        int,               # Personalnummer
              name      char(80),          # Nachname, Vorname
              raum      int                # Raumnummer
      $dbh->do(<<EOT) || die $dbh->errstr; # Neue Hardware-Tabelle
          create table hw (
  # We do not need the 'primary key' modifier anymore in msql-2!
  #           asset int primary key,       # Inventurnummer
              asset int,                   # Inventurnummer
              name   char(80),             # Bezeichnung
              person int                   # Besitzer

Unfortunately, this specific script will then accept new entries with identical
personnel numbers; the msql-1 modifier primary key intends to prevent exactly
this behaviour. The msql-2 documentation shows how to use the CREATE INDEX
clause to create unique entries.

5. Conclusion and Outlook

If you have installed msql-2 on your system then you can have a look at the
sample programs written in Lite, msql-2's own scripting language.
Either version of msql comes with a basic set of administration tools which
allow the user to create and drop tables (msqladmin) and examine database
structures (relshow).
The second generation msql (i.e. msql-2) has a few more genuinely useful
utilities: msqlimport and msqlexport. These allow the dumping of flat line data
files into and out of the SQL database. They can be used for loading quantities
of existing data d'un coup into existing tables, or extract flat data from
tables, and the user does not have to deal with writing a single line of perl
or SQL or whatever code for this task.
If you want to write your own perl scripts dealing with databases you'll find
sufficient support in the example files and the extensive on-line documentation
that comes with the DBI module.
Anyway, you are now ready to go and present your data to the users of your own
network, or even the WWW.