PuTTY wish dh-gex-sha256

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summary: Implement "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256"
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
fixed-in: 2005-09-05 91319142781a69cb16053c180870878749477012 (0.59)

Diffie-Hellman group exchange was implemented in PuTTY some years ago (it's been present since 0.52).

However, the final version of draft-ietf-secsh-dh-group-exchange added a new key exchange method relative to earlier drafts, using SHA-256 instead of SHA-1. We should implement that too.

(Update: Note that this support was liable to crash in snapshots before r6606, 2006-03-13.)

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Audit trail for this wish.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2016-12-27 11:40:22 +0000)