PuTTY semi-bug win98-focus

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summary: Win98 focuses taskbar after PuTTY window closed
class: semi-bug: This might or might not be a bug, depending on your precise definition of what a bug is.
priority: historic: This is an old bug report that we think is either fixed without noticing, or confined to old systems, or too vague.
present-in: 0.53b

On Win98, closing a PuTTY window returns focus to the taskbar rather
than to the second-most recently focused window.  This could well be
related to window-placement and PuTTY's guess window.

The problem doesn't seem to occur on Win2K and NT.

SGT, 2024-11-17: classifying this bug as historic. Minor glitches on
Win98 aren't interesting any more.
Audit trail for this semi-bug.

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(last revision of this bug record was at 2024-11-17 14:53:03 +0000)